Sunday, August 29, 2004

Kyle Doesn't Get It

That's right. You better believe it. It's the truth. The word of God. ...I'm sick! So sick that, despite all efforts, I couldn't manage to finish that LOVELY little GSI orientation today. So sick that I'm not concerned that my advisor is looking for me (according to Ben). So sick that even my razor wit, usually resistant to viral invasion, has been filed down to something resembling a rusty shank. So sick that I'm listening to Dave Matthews Band. Oh yeah, it's hot stuff! I'm jammin' hardcore. The ol' DMB shimmy. Feel it. Crash is a good song actually, sick or not. Now on to phrases with names in them that Kyle doesn't get:

Heavens to Betsy
-Who is Betsy?

For Pete's sake (or the other incorrect form, For Pete Sakes)
-Who is Pete?

Steve scared the bejesus out of me!
-Who, or what, is this Bejesus?

Some quick Google research revealed the following:

Bejesus: A substance found in the human body that determines how close one is to becoming Jesus.

Pete: Most likely it is a reference to the Catholic Saint Peter.

Betsy: It is almost exclusively an American expression, associated possibly with mature females of the Prohibition era or earlier. As to where it came from, nobody has the slightest idea.


At October 20, 2004 at 2:22 PM, Blogger Bubb Rubb said...

phrases that sound dirty

-Beating around the bush
-rode hard and put away wet
-..gave 'er a good Rogering


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